Fire! Orchestra is like a forever evolving organism.
After 13 years and at least six different incarnations 2025 sees a new version of the band, playing WORDS.
The music is all new, but some of the fundamentals stay the same: groove, excitement and conduction by Mats Gustafsson.
Line-up: Sofia Jernberg (vocals); David Sandström (vocals and drums); Anna Lindal (violin and string arrangements); Anna Neubert (violin); Emily Wittbrodt (cello); Mats Gustafsson (baritone sax, live electronics and conduction); Mette Rasmussen (baritone and alto sax); Anna Högberg (baritone and alto sax); Adia Vanheerentals (tenor and soprano sax); Mats Äleklint (trombone and horn arrangements); Heida Karine Johannesdottir (tuba and electronics); Susana Santos Silva (trumpet); Lina Allemano (trumpet); Julien Desprez (guitar and vocals); Alexander Zethson (piano and keyboards); Mariam Rezaei (turntables and electronics); Johan Berthling (bass); Mads Forsby (drums); Mikael Werliin (sound).
Listen to the latest album Echoes and watch it live.
Brutal heaviness, furiously fast crack, intense groove, extreme dynamics, immense beauty. (…) in a concert with Fire Orchestra, everything can be found, not infrequently all in one and the same song. (…) It is, as always, incredibly impressive. (Rasmus Klockljung, Lira)
Another incarnation of the band is Fire! Orchestra CBA (community based
activities), where a core of the orchestra (consisting of Mats Gustafsson, Johan
Berthling and 4 to 8 more musicians depending on the situation) works with 7-10
local musicians to form a new, unique version of Fire! Orchestra.
The idea of Fire! Orchestra CBA came from the need to develop a radically new
approach which is better equipped to meet the musical, environmental, and
economical challenges of today.
Watch Fire! Orchestra CBA at Cologne Jazzweek.
And watch Fire! Orchestra CBA rehearsing with kids at Summer Bummer festival Antwerp