Category Archives: new recordings

New album The Thing: BOOT!

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BOOT by The Thing

New album and concert Angles 9 coming up

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Early September Angles 9 will release ‘In Our Midst‘ (LP, Clean Feed). This is a recording of a concert at BELGIE, Hasselt, October 13, 2012.
“an exciting party of exaltation and color, an emotional roller coaster, a punch in the stomach.” (Guy Peters)

On Sunday August 25 Angles 10 (with two drummers: Andreas Werliin and Kjell Nordeson) will play at Jazzfestival Saalfelden.


New album and tour Atomic

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Buy and listen to music hereatomic new recording & tour

Category: live events, new recordings | Tags:

New CD Nate Wooley / Paul Lytton ‘The Nows’ on Clean Feed

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The follow up to the Lytton/Wooley sophomore release “Creak Above 33” has just been released. The Nows is a document of the duos 2011 American tour documenting two complete shows on a double-disc set from Clean Feed Records.
The first disc is from The Stone in New York and features Continue reading

Category: new recordings | Tags: